
Build a multi-headed model that’s capable of detecting different types of of toxicity like threats, obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate

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This project is launched for Kaggle Competition: Toxic Comment Classification Challenge — build a multi-headed model that’s capable of detecting different types of of toxicity like threats, obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate.

About the project.

This is my first serious kaggle game and thus made a lot of mistakes at the begining. After two-month soloing the game, I found it more important to learn than struggle in LB.


deep cleaning

soft cleaning

auxiliary input

Models and LB Scores

Models (included)

I trained 35 models with 5-fold cv for RNN/RCNN/Capsule and 10-fold cv for CNN. Because of limitation in submission I only evaluates some of them with LB, the final submission blends all 35 models and some kernels on Kaggle. They together push me to top 3%.

Model Description Embedding Preprocessing k-folds LB scores
rcnn glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.9865
rcnn glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9865
rcnn glove.840B.300d Soft prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.9861
rcnn fasttext-english.300d Soft prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9861
rcnn fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Deep prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.9859
gru fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Soft prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.985
gru fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9848
gru(rm fc layers) glove.840B.300d Soft prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9861
lstm fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Soft prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.9845
cnn glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 10 0.9842
mvcnn fasttext-crawl-300d-2M glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 10 0.9849
mvcnn fasttext-english.300d glove.840B.300d Soft prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 10 0.9831
mvcnn fasttext-crawl-300d-2M glove.840B.300d google-word2vec Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 10 0.9849
capsule fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9859
capsule glove.840B.300d Soft prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 5 0.9856
capsule fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Deep prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 5 0.9854
2d cnn glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 10 0.9851
dpcnn glove.840B.300d Deep prcessing and “post” padding/truncating 10 0.9861
dpcnn fasttext-crawl-300d-2M Deep prcessing and “pre” padding/truncating 10 0.9850

Refer to here for RCNN, RNN, capsule NN and CNN code.

Refer to here for Multi Channel Variable size CNN (MVCNN), 2D CNN and Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks(dpcnn).

Refer to here for Conv layer + RNN.

Other Models (excluded)