Variance Reduction based Experience Replay for Policy Optimization


For reinforcement learning on complex stochastic systems where many factors dynamically impact the output trajectories, it is desirable to effectively leverage the information from historical samples collected in previous iterations to accelerate policy optimization. Classical experience replay allows agents to remember by reusing historical observations. However, the uniform reuse strategy that treats all observations equally overlooks the relative importance of different samples. To overcome this limitation, we propose a general variance reduction based experience replay (VRER) framework that can selectively reuse the most relevant samples to improve policy gradient estimation. This selective mechanism can adaptively put more weight on past samples that are more likely to be generated by the current target distribution. Our theoretical and empirical studies show that the proposed VRER can accelerate the learning of optimal policy and enhance the performance of state-of-the-art policy optimization approaches.

Under Review by JMLR.


Experience replay allows agents to remember and reuse historical transitions. However, the uniform reuse strategy regardless of their significance is implicitly biased toward out-of-date observations. To overcome this limitation, we propose a general variance reduction based experience reply (VRER) approach, which allows policy optimization algorithms to selectively reuse the most relevant samples and improve policy gradient estimation. It tends to put more weight on historical observations that are more likely sampled from the target distribution. Different from other ER methods VRER is a theoretically justified and simple-to-use approach. Our theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed VRER can accelerate the learning of optimal policy and enhance the performance of state-of-the-art policy optimization approaches.Experience replay allows agents to remember and reuse historical transitions. However, the uniform reuse strategy regardless of their significance is implicitly biased toward out-of-date observations. To overcome this limitation, we propose a general variance reduction based experience reply (VRER) approach, which allows policy optimization algorithms to selectively reuse the most relevant samples and improve policy gradient estimation. It tends to put more weight on historical observations that are more likely sampled from the target distribution. Different from other ER methods VRER is a theoretically justified and simple-to-use approach. Our theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate that the proposed VRER can accelerate the learning of optimal policy and enhance the performance of state-of-the-art policy optimization approaches.

Open-source Library: vrer-pg

vrer-pg is a tensorflow based AI library which facilitates experimentation with existing policy optimization algorithms with variance reduction based experience replay. It provides well tested components that can be easily modified or extended. The available selection of algorithms can be used directly or through command line.



The performance improvement of state-of-the-art PO algorithms after using VRER. Results are described by the mean performance curves and 95% confidence intervals of PPO(-VRER), TRPO(-VRER) and VPG(-VRER).